Conference database for ARLE - The International Association for Research in L1 Education


24 contributions

Overview of contributions, clustered by theme and format

Format type
Conference participation ARLE 2017
Pre-conference PhD participation ARLE 2017: June 14h 2017. Register for free
Group by domain
Keynote Pre-conference ARLE 2017 Round table ARLE 2017
All themes
  • Cassany i Comas (Spain): L1 reading and writing in a multilingual and technological context in secondary education.
  • Smidt (Norway): Languages, literatures and literacies - a Nordic perspective

Language awareness and language teaching
  • Batalha (Portugal): Can grammar benefit reading comprehension?
  • Illesca (Australia): 3rd person: Representing the everyday work of Australian English teachers in L1 research
  • Knipe (United States); Dalton (United States); Hinshaw (United States): Don’t let the horse in the school!: Indigenous teachers’ perspectives of mother tongue literacies in rural Guatemala
  • Rasmussen (Denmark): When pupils explore subject matters together – an investigation of peer conversations in the subject Danish

Literacies (Reading and Writing)
  • Brandt (United States): The Texture of Learning to Write in the Twenty-First Century
  • Borgfeldt (Sweden); Lyngfelt (Sweden): "I drew first then I wrote". Nine-year old students' ideas on their choice of sociosemiotic resources and conceptions of assessment, when creating multimodal texts.
  • Fabrin (Denmark): Student’s reading acts – a performative view of reading strategies
  • Karlsson (Sweden): Reading professionally - what does it mean to become a Professional reader within the academicstudy of literature.
  • Klementsson (Sweden): Working with literary concepts in youth novels. Upper secondary students deal with symbols in their group discussions.
  • Ladegaard (Denmark): Becoming a (multilingual) reader and writer
  • Lindh (Sweden): Pre conference contribution: How can writing support student´s learning processes?
  • Rietdijk (Netherlands (the)); van Weijen (Netherlands (the)); Janssen (Netherlands (the)); Rijlaarsdam (Netherlands (the)): Strategy-oriented writing instruction: an intervention study in primary schools
  • Westerlund (Finland): Essayistic elements in the writing in upper secondary school

Literature, Fiction, Film and other media
  • Kabel (Denmark): Reflexive literacies: L1-students resources for stance-taking in the literature classroom
  • Koek (Netherlands (the)); Janssen (Netherlands (the)); Rijlaarsdam (Netherlands (the)): Developing a test to assess critical thinking in the literature classroom
  • Lehndorf (Germany): Attitudes towards literature reception of student teachers in literary study seminars
  • Nadel (Sweden): Reading multicultural fiction with upper secondary students: Shift in perspective and aestethic challenges
  • Schrijvers (Netherlands (the)); Fialho (Netherlands (the)); Janssen (Netherlands (the)): Learning about oneself and others in the literature classroom: An analysis of students’ written learner reports
  • Thavenius (Sweden): Reading Literature in Teacher Education

  • Aharonian (Israel): Professional Learning for Israeli Literacy Teachers: A Practitioner Narrative Inquiry

The L1 school subject: curriculum, disciplinarity, forms of knowledge
  • Johansson (Sweden): Literary socialization and literature reception - a comparative study of Swedish and French upper secondary school students’ readings of a literary text
  • Nilson (Sweden): Literary reading and identity in national examinations