Conference database for ARLE - The International Association for Research in L1 Education

ARLE ROLE 2018: Programme Schedule

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Research Seminar Research on Literature Education 2018

Thursday 28-06-2018

08:30-09:00 Plenary
09:00-09:15 Plenary
Conference opening
09:45-13:00 Plenary
Chair: Pieper, Irene
Poster sessions with short presentations and extensive discussions in two groups
Breukink, Janssen & van den Bergh; Kolodina; Oksbjerg; Pieper, Bertschi-Kaufmann, Siebenhuener & Kernen; Rosendal Bang; Schrijvers
Chair: Elkad-Lehman, Ilana
Poster sessions with short presentations and extensive discussions in two groups
Aerila & Kauppinen; Agnello, Weir & Dostal; Kalasaridou; Magirius; Magirius; Sonneland
14:00-15:45 Workshop
Workshop I
Pieper, Winkler & Ohlhus
15:45-16:15 Plenary
Coffee break
16:15-18:30 Plenary
Discussion in Plenary: Identifying key issues, further insights...
18:30-20:10 Plenary
Dinner at the Restaurant Noah, Hohnsen

Friday 29-06-2018

09:30-12:30 Plenary
Chair: Pieper, Irene
Poster sessions with short presentations and extensive discussions in two groups
Depner; Gabriel; Kauppinen & Aerila; Moreno & Ronveaux; Strutz
Chair: Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad
Poster sessions with short presentations and extensive discussions in two groups
Agnello, Dostal, Weir & Gabriel; Carl & Kónya-Jobs; Gabrielsen; Mansour; Wittig
13:30-15:00 Plenary
Workshop II
Pieper, Høegh, Scherf & Gordon