Digital (Text) Sovereignty as a Goal of Forward-thinking Professional Development for Teachers in German L1 Education

Submitted by: Carina Ascherl
Abstract: In international comparison, German teachers demonstrate a noticeable hesitancy regarding the integration of digital media in subject teaching (Eickelmann et al. 2019). This also applies to German L1 Education teachers, who express a significant demand for additional professional development across various aspects of competence and learning within German L1 Education. Simultaneously, there is a strong willingness to undergo further training (cf. Brüggemann et al. 2021). However, the current state of research is unclear as to how a subject-specific reflective use of digital media in German L1 Education can be achieved.
Given these considerations, the current project focuses on the research-based development, implementation, evaluation, optimisation, and nationwide dissemination of professional development modules tailored for German L1 Education teachers within the realm of digitalisation. It aims to enhance the digital (text) sovereignty of German L1 Education teachers from a functional-application-related and personal-reflective perspective. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the funding line “Competence Center for Digital and Digitally Supported Teaching in Schools and Professional Development in Languages, Social, and Economic Sciences”.

It is guided by the following research questions:
• What contextual circumstances lead to an increase in digital sovereignty among teachers and students?
• What impact do the professional development courses yield on teachers and students regarding their functional-application-related competences (including knowledge, skills, metacognition)?
• How do the professional development courses influence the personal-reflective dispositions of teachers and students?

The project draws on Blossfeld et al.’s (2018) concept of ‘digital sovereignty’, which will be elaborated for the area of German L1 Education. Furthermore, the theory of ‘subject-specific education’ (Frederking & Bayrhuber 2019) and the theory of subject-matter didactics (Bayrhuber et al. 2017; Frederking 2022; Rothgangel 2020) are used as theoretical reference points.

The research aims will be addressed through the application of pre- and post-survey instruments with quantitative and qualitative items as well as an interview study to determine the functional and personal effects of the professional development course on teachers. The poster illustrates how the research questions will be investigated with a sample of teachers (N = 50) and students (N = 750).

Bayrhuber, H., Abraham, U., Frederking, V., Jank, W., Rothgangel, M., Vollmer, H. J. (Eds.). (2017). Auf dem Weg zu einer Allgemeinen Fachdidaktik. Waxmann.

Blossfeld, H.-P., Bos, W., Daniel, H.-D., Hannover, B., Köller, O., Lenzen, D., McElvany, N., Roßbach, H.-G., Seidel, T., Tippelt R. & Woßmann, L. (2018). Digitale Souveränität und Bildung. Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V (Eds.). Waxmann.

Brüggemann, J., Frederking, V., Susteck, S. & Gölitz, D. (2021). Digitales Distanzlernen im Deutschunterricht (DiDiD). Erfahrungen und Fortbildungswünsche von Deutschlehrer*innen vor dem Hintergrund der Corona-Pandemie.

Eickelmann, B., Bos, W. & Labusch, A. (2019). Die Studie ICILs 2018 im Überblick. Zentrale Ergebnisse und mögliche Entwicklungsperspektiven. In B. Eickelmann, W. Bos, J. Gerick, F. Goldhammer, H. Schaumburg, K. Schwippert, M. Senkbeil, J. Vahrenhold (Eds.), ICILS 2018 #Deutschland. Computer- und informationsbezogene Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern im zweiten internationalen Vergleich und Kompetenzen im Bereich Computational Thinking (pp. 7-31). Waxmann. DOI: 10.25656/01:18319

Frederking, V. (2022). Digitale Textsouveränität. Funktional-anwendungsorientierte und personal reflexive Bildungsherausforderungen in der digitalen Weltgesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert: Eine Theorieskizze [Version 3, January 2022].

Frederking, V. & Bayrhuber, H. (2019). Fachdidaktisches Wissen und fachliche Bildung. Ein Klärungsversuch im Horizont der Allgemeinen Fachdidaktik. In D. Scholl, S. Wernke & D. Behrens (Eds.), Allgemeine Didaktik und Fachdidaktik. Jahrbuch für Allgemeine Didaktik 2019 (pp. 10–29). Schneider.

Rothgangel, M. (2020). Allgemeine Fachdidaktik bottom up: Methode, Gegenstand und Ziele. In M. Rothgangel, U. Abraham, H. Bayrhuber, V. Frederking, W. Jank & H.J. Vollmer (Eds.), Lernen im Fach und über das Fach hinaus: Bestandsaufnahmen und Forschungsperspektiven aus 17 Fachdidaktiken im Vergleich. Allgemeine Fachdidaktik, Band 2 (pp. 13–22). Waxmann Verlag.