(Multi-)lingualism in the Virtual World: Towards New Possibilities

Submitted by: Rebecca Schuler
Abstract: Linguistic education is mainly concerned with the language of instruction without giving a clear approval to the (multi-)lingualism of the students (Şahiner 2022, 69). Against the backdrop of the linguistic diversity of the students and their language repertoires, the question arises to what extent these linguistic repertoires can also be included in monolingually conceived language education?
One opportunity is seen in the inclusion of XR technologies. XR technology is increasingly used as a promising tool in various learning environments to reduce complex learning environments, and to map realities in a structured and immersive way (Radianti et al. 2020, 26). Hellriegel and Čubela (2018, 68) present the multiple potentials of XR, highlighting that, among other things, an activating and constructive process enables social interactions can promote learning with VR. Here, (prospective) teachers and their lecturers face a special challenge, because they must be able to recognize and use the possibilities of digital media as well as digital learning environments for the (multilingual) teaching and learning process. However, there have hardly been any studies in this area that explore the possibilities of using XR with a view to (multi-)lingualism.
In this article, it will be explored how to deal with the ambivalent relationship towards the inclusion of (multilingualism) in language education and how to achieve successful language education with the inclusion of XR. How can the technology be used in such a way that the linguistic repertoires can be included according to the natural language use?

- Hellriegel, Jan, und Dino Čubela. 2018. «Das Potenzial von Virtual Reality für den schulischen Unterricht – Eine konstruktivistische Sicht». MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung (Occasional Papers): 58–80. https://doi.org/10.21240/ mpaed/00/2018.12.11.X.
- Radianti, Jaziar, Tim A. Majchrzak, Jennifer Fromm, und Isabell Wohlgenannt. «A Systematic Review of Immersive Virtual Reality Applications for Higher Education: Design Elements, Lessons Learned, and Research Agenda». Computers & Education 147 (April): 103778. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103778.
- Şahiner, P. (2022). Wer hat keinen „Migrationshintergrund"? Konstruierte Subjektmodelle im DaZ-Diskurs. Eine kritische Abwägung der institutionellen im Verhältnis zur individuellen Perspektive. In E. Yüksel & L. Hoffmann (Hrsg.). Tagungsband „Mehrsprachigkeit und -kulturalität im Konflikt“ (S. 59–71). Iudicium.