Skribi – an Application for Writing Training in a Digital Environment

Submitted by: Elisabeth Kunze
Abstract: Digital reading and writing are integrated into the German curriculum, highlighting the use of digital tools to facilitate learning with digital media (cf. KMK 2005/2022). The impact of digital media on reading and writing has sparked an academic discussion. Some studies argue for a detrimental effect on the competencies (Rödel 2022: 44), while others view digital media as enhancing these skills (Gailberger 2022: 356). A third perspective advocates for making digital media the focal point of German classes, accentuating its role in social participation (Wampfler 2023: 56). This paper follows the third approach, emphasizing the writing of complex texts as an essential skill for primary school pupils, with literacy demands that differentiate between digital and analog writing settings (Barton & Lee 2013).

The digital writing environment Skribi, funded by the Ministry for School and Education of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) and implemented by the Centre for Teacher Education of Technical University of Chemnitz, addresses writing texts in digital settings. Skribi will be available free of charge to all teachers and pupils in 2,800 primary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia. This initiative aims to provide children without access to digital devices at home the opportunity to develop essential digital writing skills required for social participation in the digital era.

In Skribi, teachers assign writing tasks and provide text tools for practicing digital strategies. Children can read, comment on and publish texts from their classmates. Skribi enables an efficient breakdown of complex arrangements into smaller tasks (Hayes/Flower 1980). Its digital revising facilitates formulating for inexperienced writers (Krelle 2015).

This presentation focuses on the main development stages of the application from conception to implementation. It will include the methodical as well as technical development of the application in cooperation with pilot primary (n=9, respectively 150 pupils) and secondary schools (n=2, respectively 40 pupils). The method is based upon questionnaire surveys, both with teachers and students, and classroom observations. A key aspect of the presentation will be the collaboration with various stakeholders (ministries, schools, science, etc.). Additionally, we will present challenges during the pilot phase and discuss mitigations.

Barton, D. & Lee, C. (2013). Language Online. Investigating Digital Texts and Practices. London/New York: Routledge.

Gailberger, S. (2022): Qualitätsmerkmale eines digital erweiterten Deutschunterricht. Versuch einer Systematisierung. In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbands 69 (4), 346-359.

Hayes, J. & Flower, L. (1980). Identifying the Organization of Writing Processes. In L.W. Gregg & E. R. Steinberg (Eds.). Cognitive Processes in Writing: An Interdisciplinary Approach (pp. 3–30). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.

KMK - Kultusministerkonferenz (Hrsg.) (2005/2022): Beschlüsse der Kultusministerkonferenz. Bildungsstandards im Fach Deutsch für den Primarbereich (Jahrgangsstufe 4). Beschluss vom 15.10.2004, i.d.F. 23.06.2022. (last access 25.05.2023)

Krelle, M. (2020). Digitale Schreibprozesse und -strategien im Deutschunterricht der Primarstufe. In J. Knopf & U. Abraham (Eds.). Deutsch Digital. Band 2: Praxis (pp. 70-78). Baltmannsweiler: De Gruyter.

Rödel, M. (2022). Diesseits und jenseits der Pandemie – Digitalität und Deutschunterricht. In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbands 69 (4), 334-345.

Wampfler, P. (2023). Medienbildung in den Mittelpunkt stellen – Deutschdidaktik und die Herausforderung der Digitalität. In: Didaktik deutsch 28 (54), 55-62.