Assessing reading comprehension in Polish children and adolescents

Submitted by: Grażyna M. Krasowicz - Kupis
Abstract: Reading comprehension is the basis of education, communication and human well-being. In Poland, there has so far been no comprehensive tool to allow psychometric and clinical assessment of this ability. Starting from the concepts of the SVR – Simple View of Reading (Gough i Tunmer 1986) and The Complete View of Reading CVR (Francis, Kulesz, Benoit 2018), the team of specialist from Educational Research Institute and the Institute of Psychology at Maria Curie Sklodowska University prepared a multidimensional test, aimed at assessing the reading comprehension from the first year of education to the adolescence, inclusive. The tool has scales for the assessing of the semantic and lexical aspect, general knowledge and reasoning, various types of inferences and metalinguistic abilities.
First three stages of the scale constrution are finished – test items preparing, pre-pilot study as well as the psychometric validation studies, so the last version prepared for normalisation will be presented on the conference.
1. Gough, P. B., & Tunmer, W. E. (1986). Decoding, Reading, and Reading Disability. Remedial and Special Education, 7, 6-10.
2. Francis, D.J., Kulesz, P.A., Benoit, J.S. (2018) Extending the Simple View of Reading to Account for VAriation Within Readers and Across Texts: The Complete View of Reading (CVR). Remedial and Special Education, 39 (5).
https:// 18772904

Keywords: reading, reading comprehension, psychometric test, semantics, lexicon, metalinguistic