Approaches to the reception of graphic novels as multimodal literature – a case for new writing tasks in secondary schools

Submitted by: Carolin Führer
Abstract: Until now teaching practices in Germany primarily employed graphic literature as a tool for promoting reading. My presentation departs from that and points out the ambiguous multimodality of the medium. A qualitative multimodal text and discourse analyses of written output from the reception in three 9th- and 10th- grade classes are brought into focus to give answers on writing about graphic literature. The treatment inquires what a suitable multimodal reception might look like in secondary schools that relates reading, writing, and designing to each other operationally. The aim is the (re-)construction of orientation towards both a competence in pictorial reception and reading competence and also individual and emotional experiences. This depends on the conviction, that the narrative structure can never be made to correspond completely with language and its own uncertainties.

keywords: comics, educational writing culture, multimodal literacy

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