Teaching with comics to develop competences in oral communication

Submitted by: Cristina Manuela Sá
Abstract: Abstract
Since the 90s, I have been studying the use of comics in teaching Portuguese as a mother tongue in compulsory education in Portugal (Sá, 1995). Taking into account the fact that nowadays the teaching process is centered in the development of competences, I sustained the use of comics to develop competences in reading and writing (see, e.g. Sá, 2012).
Lately, I am developing a study consisting in the analysis of the syllabus for the teaching of Portuguese as a mother tongue (Buescu, Morais, Rocha, & Magalhães, 2015) focused on: i) the presence of comics in that document and ii) the role comics may play in the development of competences in oral and written communication. I have in mind two research questions: How are comics present in the syllabus for the teaching of Portuguese as a mother tongue? How can the use of comics in the teaching of the mother tongue contribute to the development of competences in oral and written communication? Using document analysis, I gathered information from the sylllabus concerning the two aspects mentioned above: i) presence of comics and ii) their contribution to the development of competences in oral and written communication. Afterwards, data concerning the second aspect afore mentioned were submited to content analysis (Bardin, 2000).
In this text, I present part of the results of this study concerning the analysis of the presence of comics in the syllabus for primary school (the first four years in our educational system) and the role they may play in the development of competences in oral communication. The findings allowed me to conclude that, although comics are scarcely mentioned in the syllabus, they may in fact contribute to the development of competences in oral communication by 6-10 year old children.

Keywords: Comics; Oral communication; Competences; Primary school education; Syllabus.

Bardin, L. (2000). Análise de conteúdo (reimpr.). Lisboa: Edições 70.
Buescu, M. H., Morais, J., Rocha, M. R. & Magalhães, V. F. (2015). Programas e metas curriculares de Português do Ensino Básico. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação e Ciência.
Sá, C. M. (1995). A banda desenhada: uma linguagem narrativa ao serviço do Ensino do Português (língua materna). Tese de doutoramento. Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro.
Sá, C. M. (2012). Comics and teaching/learning the mother tongue. Indagatio Didactica. Vol. 4 (4), 85-96. Retrieved on the 29th October 2018 from: http://revistas.ua.pt/index.php/ID/article/view/1774