Teacher´s talk in different grades and across subjects

Submitted by: Dieter Isler
Abstract: Oracy preserves more attention again. Resultantly teacher´s questions and teacher´s language is required in various disciplines. IRE-schemas are known as advises for teaching (Mehan 1979). Furthermore, these schemas can be used and developed by researchers. Oracy as a non-permanent language skill can be conserved via audio- and videotapes. That enables researchers to find answers not only about time on task, but also enables discourses between teachers and the plenum or single students. They can detect influences of oral language on development of content in subjects or speaking behaviour in special learning groups too. Teachers capture the role of a speaking model (Kleinschmidt 2016).
We would therefore like to discuss which contributions perfectly fit into the oral language education within a variety of subjects and ages. Resultantly, our symposium presents three distinct papers in order to display an overview of the language use in oracy from primary until secondary school students.
Firstly, Dieter Isler and Claudia Hefti will present an intervention study in a pre- post-design in kindergarden classes. The intervention supports teachers to promote the production of oral texts in everyday life communication. Consequently, the teachers preserved individual video-based coaching instructions and a coursework, that has been invented for a small group. The presenters would like to focus on the new instrument to measure teachers' interactive support.
The second paper of Anke Börsel about effective teacher´s talk is based on hypothesis of interactional language acquisition. In her explorative video-study she is researching language awareness of teacher´s talk in secondary school classes. She attempts to investigate a variety of specific micro-scaffolding and feedback skills in language sensitive frames.
Anne-Grete Kaldahl discusses an integration of oracy in the Norwegian school reform. Teachers have to teach oracy across the curriculum. She presents a rhetoric topos analyse of interviews with nine tenth-grade teachers. Her expected complex oracy construct obtains subject characteristics and features across various disciplines.

A picture from theory into practice, from hypothesis building to hypothesis proofing using quantitative to qualitative methods is necessary to restart the view on oracy in school´s teaching talk and its rhetorical use at school.

Kleinschmidt, Katrin (2016). Sprachliches Lehrerhandeln als Bestandteil der professionellen Kompetenz von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern – Konturen eines wenig beachteten Forschungsfeldes. In Leseräume. Zeitschrift für Literalität in Schule und Forschung (3), 98-114.
Mehan, Hugh (1979). Learning lessons. Social organitation in the classroom. Cambridge/London: Harward press.
Skinner, Barbara (2017). Effective teacher talk: a threshold concept in TESOL. In English Language Teaching Journal 71 (2), 150–159.