From Written & Paper Fetichism to Multimodal & Digital Open-mindness: a Portrait of Quebec's lengthy literacy transition in L1 classes.

Submitted by: Nathalie Lacelle
Abstract: From Written & Paper Fetichism to Multimodal & Digital Open-mindness: a Portrait of Quebec's lengthy literacy transition in L1 classes.
Nathalie LACELLE, Ph.D., UQÀM, titulaire de la Chaire en littératie médiatique multimodale
JF BOUTIN, Ph.D, UQAR, membre de la Chaire de littératie médiatique multimodale

As the main focus of ARLE's SIG TALE consists on «exploring the use of digital technologies and media in L1, both in a historical perspective and in terms of contemporary sociocultural practices locally and globally», we would like to share a dense and revealing portrait of the actual shift that is slowly, but surely occurring in Quebec L1 classes (French language). University of Quebec in Montreal's Chaire de littératie médiatique multimodale is a the forefront, both in terms of research and in-class instruction, of these gradual epistemological and pragmatical changes in primary & secondary schools of La belle province. In incorporating information and communication technologies (ICT) – and in particular, digital technologies – into formal French teaching (reception / «reading», production / «writing», etc.) and informal learning - «the[...] multisemiotic communicative reality inside and outside school» - , the chair is centrally mobilizing multimodality, social semiotics, cybernetics and connected learning paradigmatic assumptions as the main anchors of its educational, sociocultural and political commitment and interventions. The chair is also specifically dedicated to the analytical & critical exploration of multiples relations between 1) contemporary (multi)language sharing (signs, codes, modes, designs, languages) and its learning / teaching and 2), in a broader scope, between informal & formal literacy education and actual digital humanities and cultures. Finally, the chair is aggregating researches form different methodological avenues such as design-based research (DBR), action research, collaborative research, development research and ethnographic research into its evolving dialogue on contemporary literacy with students, teachers, counselors and educators of all horizons.


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Nathalie LACELLE, Ph.D., holds Université du Québec à Montréal’s Strategic Chair in Littératie médiatique multimodale. She’s a professor of multimodal media literacy at UQÀM. Her main interests are the development of multimodal & digital competences in formal & informal contexts.

J.F. BOUTIN is a professor of applied linguistics (contemporary communication) at Université du Québec (Campus de Lévis / UQAR). His main interests are the cohabitation of informal & formal contemporary communication practices and the epistemology of multimodal thinking in education.