Multimodal registration methods in school writing process research

Submitted by: Eduardo Calil
Abstract: Since the first research on writing processes, inaugurated by Hayes & Flower, using the think aloud protocol with experienced writers, and Bereiter & Scardamalia adopting the retrospection protocol with new writers, the techniques and the writing recording methods in real time has evolved significantly. Thanks to technological advances, important investigations have been dedicated to record aspects related to linear and recursive time the writing process (pause, stroke, burst, eye movement...). However, these techniques generally registration records writing processes performed in laboratory settings, under stringent experimental conditions. Few techniques and methods have been developed for the process of writing record in ecological situations (naturalistic), respecting its interactive and multimodal features. This workshop aims to present a record method of writing processes in real time and space of the classroom. Known as Ramos System, multimodal capture offered by this system allows synchronization of three different semiotic dimensions: i. Visual dimension (capture the students and teacher movement, gestures, facial expressions and physical environment of the classroom); ii. Sound dimension (capture speech and dialogue among the participants); and iii. Written dimension (capture time and the pen ink stroke position on the sheet of paper). We will detail the technique developed for multimodal and synchronic record of these three dimensions of scripture in schools and discuss some results obtained from samples taken in France, Portugal and Brazil.