Observing and supporting pupils through a children’s literature mediation

Submitted by: Nadine Pairis
Abstract: Observing and supporting pupils through a children’s literature mediation

This communication focuses on a mediation in an experimental class of arts (within writing and reading text-mediation, children's literature with visual arts) and cultural education developed as a strategy allowing « early school leaving » pupils to re-engage. We studied pupils aged 7 to 9 in a school of a difficult district. This study concerns pupils' activity operated from the theoretical and methodological framework of data analysis of the "process of experience" [1] supporting on activity tracks and video recordings proceeded with individual interviews questioning the actors about their work [2] : creation of albums. The analysis of pupils’ activity puts into perspective the impact of artistic and cultural practices on learnings and the movement as means of expression and cultural fact [3].
The qualitative methodology analyses the creation of four albums in children's literature and highlights the results of our educational mediation. Specifically, our study sets out to observe and support underachieving pupils in a school within a socio-economically disadvantaged area. We were able to identify, within writing and visual arts workshops, how pupils became engaged in activities, in order to learn by doing and creating. So, the study focused on whether this increased engagement was due to taking part in activities with an author-illustrator.
The study hypothesis argues that increased pupil engagement was as a result of the creative process involved in the creation of albums. In addition these pupils were inspired to see their own real-life experience being used as the basis of a work of fiction. Creative process helped pupils to get involved thanks to a leverage between play and work in a workshop as a new temporal space. The understanding of pupil’s activity answers the hypothesis of getting to work and overcoming challenges through creativity [4].


[1] Theureau, J. (2004) Le cours d'action «méthode élémentaire».
Toulouse : Octarès.

[2] Andrieu, B. (2013). Le corps en première personne : une écologie pré-motrice.
Movement & Sport Sciences – Science & Motricité.

[3] Dewey, J. ([1934] 2005). L’art comme expérience (« Art as experience »).
Université de Pau : Editions Farrago.

[4] Vygotsky, L.S. ([1934] - 1997). Pensée et langage. Paris : La Dispute